SAMSUNG Galaxy S10+ Review

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In this article, I give you my Samsung Galaxy S10+ review with specs included. Just like Apple does with the iPhone, Samsung has released three models the S10, the S10+, and the S10e which is the most affordable model, which is sort of like the iPhone 10R (XR).

These phones range from expensive to really expensive. I think the fact that having a thousand-dollar starting price for flagship phones is a little too crazy. I do a lot of laptop reviews and a lot of people say they can’t afford a thousand-dollar laptop let alone a thousand-dollar phone.

Be that as it may, Samsung is part of the duopoly with Apple in the phones that most of you are buying these days at least in the United States, Europe, Canada, and so on. Maybe not so much in China.

I tried really hard to not like the Samsung Galaxy S10+. That isn’t because I’m biased or anything like that, I just find it as this delivers on what I want so well. Also, I like the latest Samsung phone redesign. I tried to really keep my expectations chill for this review but I kept finding I really like the phone a lot. So the feels are there for me for this phone.

There are a million Galaxy S10 and S10+ reviews out there so I’m not gonna repeat every little thing and go over every little thing with this one. I’m gonna talk about the things that I think are the most important, the things I like and the things that I don’t like so much.

The first thing that might surprise you is a matter of personal taste, I really actually don’t mind, in fact, I kind of like the Infinity O display because you got that little cutout on the S10 and the double cutout there (like goggles) on the S10 plus (S10+). It looks distinctive which is kind of nice.

I think part of the reason the iPhone 10 (iPhone X) did okay with the notch is that they were the first ones to really notch it up and it didn’t look like anything else. Be that as it may, once everybody else starts copying that would be less of an interesting thing.

But, this camera cutout wastes less screen in real estate than a lot of the notch implementations do. That Pixel 3XL is the worst with its super tall notch. The less of a screen space that the noch is gonna take while we get fun cameras the better.

Samsung Galaxy S10+ looks cool, it has engendered so many really amazing wallpapers that are ready for both the S10 and the S10 plus. There’s actually a Reddit thread where you can find a whole lot of nifty wallpapers. I love wallpapers, it kind of makes everything fun.

When you go fullscreen in programs some of them are still gonna have the notch kind of hidden in the top taskbar. You can actually choose to hide that. There’s a Samsung setting for that where it just basically puts a black bar at the top and the screen where you see all your little notifications, your battery status, and all that sort of thing.

If you’re doing something watching Netflix, the video that you play does not go all the way to the very edge. But, it fills up more of the screen it seems to me than the iPhone 10S or 10S Max, in the case of comparing like-size phones.

So, you’re not gonna get a hole punch in your cinematic movie experience which is good. But, if you’re playing YouTube you will get the hole punch cut out if you zoom to full screen which for most YouTube videos it doesn’t really matter too much but I leave that up to you.

Samsung Galaxy S10+ has Samsung’s best display yet and they always have great displays. So, that tells you how good this display is.

You may or may not like this but it’s the most color-accurate display yet. When Samsung first started years and years ago with AMOLED displays the colors were very garish, the contrast was kind of overblown, but it looked really cool.

It’s in general that the newer generation of people now prefers bluish-white displays and over-the-top colors. It’s like the Instagram look of the world.

For Samsung Galaxy S10+ they had toned down the colors, which is what I prefer. I like color-accurate displays very much. I do things like watch photo videos and painting videos where color accuracy matters more than just seeing zingy colors. It’s up to you how you feel about that.

Samsung Galaxy S10+ display is warmer looking, sometimes a little pinker looking in sunlight, but that’s actually accurate. It looks a lot more like the iPhone 10 display. The iPhone 10 used to look a little zingy compared to something like the Samsung Galaxy S9 or S9 Plus or even the Note 9.

There are fewer options for screen settings too. You can choose basically natural or you can have vivid which makes things a little zingier but not a lot.

There are manual adjustments for the color balance from warm to cold. So, if you want to get that cold look back you can. But, you don’t have a Super AMOLED photo, Super AMOLED Cinema and all that stuff is not an option anymore. It’s a nice screen.

The other good thing is that they managed to reduce blue light which is supposed to be bad for our eyes, keep us up at night, mess up the circadian rhythms in our brain, and all that sort of thing.

So, 40% less blue light without having to flip a switch or see a very icky yellowy-looking screen. Good times for that.

Samsung has significantly refined its approach to curved glass displays, a hallmark feature of its flagship smartphones. With the S10+, the curvature of the glass has been subtly reduced, addressing previous concerns regarding accidental touches and reflections along the edges. Users who were frustrated with unintended interactions on earlier models, such as the S8 and S9, will appreciate the improved design, which minimizes such occurrences. Additionally, Samsung has introduced a feature in the Settings menu aimed at preventing accidental touches and pocket dialing, further enhancing the user experience.

For those who prefer a flat screen, Samsung continues to offer this option with the standard S10 model. This underscores Samsung’s commitment to catering to diverse user preferences, ensuring that consumers have choices that suit their needs and preferences. Despite the prevalence of curved displays in the industry, Samsung recognizes that not all users may find them ideal, and thus, provides alternatives to accommodate different tastes.

The S10+ boasts an innovative in-display fingerprint scanner, utilizing ultrasonic technology for enhanced security. While initial reports suggested some issues with reliability, Samsung promptly addressed these concerns through software updates. Users who experienced difficulties with fingerprint recognition following the update are advised to re-enroll their fingerprints for improved performance. The inclusion of a pre-installed screen protector, although made of plastic, underscores Samsung’s commitment to safeguarding the device’s display while maintaining compatibility with the ultrasonic sensor. Despite initial challenges, the scanner’s accuracy and reliability have improved over time, thanks to ongoing software optimization efforts.

In terms of biometric security, the S10+ faces stiff competition from Apple’s Face ID technology, which offers seamless authentication through facial recognition. While Samsung’s facial recognition feature provides a convenient alternative to fingerprint scanning, it may be less secure, as demonstrated by its susceptibility to being fooled by photographs or videos. However, for most users, the convenience of facial recognition may outweigh concerns about its security vulnerabilities, especially in everyday usage scenarios.

One of the standout features of the S10+ is its versatile camera system, comprising three rear cameras and a single front-facing camera. This configuration allows users to capture a wide range of scenes and perspectives, thanks to the inclusion of a standard main camera, a telephoto lens for optical zoom, and a wide-angle lens for expansive landscapes. Samsung’s commitment to image quality and consistency shines through in its camera software, which delivers reliable results across various shooting conditions. The addition of a wide-angle lens significantly expands the creative possibilities for photographers, enabling them to capture more expansive scenes without resorting to panoramic modes.

While Samsung may not have the highest-rated camera system on the market, its focus on software optimization ensures that users can consistently achieve satisfactory results. The inclusion of optical image stabilization and digital stabilization further enhances the camera’s versatility, particularly during video recording, where smooth and steady footage is essential. Additionally, Samsung’s commitment to 4K video recording at 60 frames per second ensures that users can capture high-quality footage with ample detail and clarity.

The Samsung Galaxy S10+ offers a compelling combination of innovative features, including a refined curved glass display, advanced biometric security options, and a versatile camera system. While it may not excel in every aspect compared to its competitors, Samsung’s commitment to user experience and continuous improvement ensures that the S10+ remains a formidable contender in the smartphone market. Whether users prioritize design, security, or photography, the S10+ offers a well-rounded package that caters to a wide range of preferences and needs.

The Samsung Galaxy S10+ introduces an array of compelling features and capabilities, positioning itself as a strong contender in the competitive smartphone market. From advanced camera functionalities to innovative software enhancements, the S10+ offers a comprehensive user experience that caters to a wide range of needs and preferences.

One of the standout features of the S10+ is its sophisticated camera system, which includes multiple lenses and advanced software capabilities. With scene detection functionality, the S10+ can automatically identify and optimize settings for up to 30 different scenes, ensuring that users can capture stunning photos in various environments. The main, telephoto, and wide-angle lenses offer versatility and flexibility, allowing users to capture a wide range of perspectives with ease. While the S10+ may not surpass the Pixel 3 in terms of image quality, it delivers impressive results that will satisfy most users.

In terms of software, Samsung has made significant strides with its One UI interface, which offers a cleaner and more intuitive user experience compared to previous iterations. The interface is highly customizable, allowing users to personalize their device to suit their preferences. While the S10+ ships with Android 9.0 Pie out of the box, Samsung’s track record with OS updates may lag behind competitors like Google and OnePlus. However, for users who prioritize a polished and user-friendly software experience, the S10+ delivers in spades.

Another noteworthy feature of the S10+ is its inclusion of a headphone jack and microSD card slot, providing users with expanded storage options and the ability to use wired headphones without the need for adapters. Additionally, the device offers robust connectivity options, including 4G LTE support and Gigabit Wi-Fi, ensuring fast and reliable access to the internet. While the transition to 5G networks is still underway, the S10+ is well-equipped to handle current connectivity needs.

In terms of charging capabilities, the S10+ supports both wired and wireless fast charging, ensuring that users can quickly top up their device’s battery regardless of their preferred charging method. The introduction of bi-directional Qi charging adds an extra layer of versatility, allowing the S10+ to function as a wireless charger for compatible devices. While this feature may have limited practical use cases, it demonstrates Samsung’s commitment to innovation and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with smartphone technology.

Despite its many strengths, the S10+ is not without its drawbacks. Its large size and premium price tag may deter some users who prefer more compact devices or are mindful of their budget constraints. Additionally, the device’s ergonomic design may pose challenges for users with smaller hands, making one-handed operation difficult and increasing the risk of accidental drops.

From its advanced camera system to its intuitive software interface and versatile connectivity options, the S10+ delivers a premium user experience that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning users. While it may not be the most affordable option on the market, its feature-rich design and robust capabilities make it a worthy investment for those seeking a top-of-the-line smartphone experience.

Similarly, for those individuals who rely on using their thumb to unlock the device, it can be quite challenging due to the placement of the power button, which is positioned relatively high on the phone. This design flaw, coupled with the S10+’s large size, can make one-handed operation cumbersome for some users. While the fingerprint scanner boasts cutting-edge reading technology, it falls short in terms of speed compared to competitors like the OnePlus 6T. Despite its more secure implementation, there is room for improvement to enhance its responsiveness.

Furthermore, the face ID feature, while swift in operation, lacks the robust security of Apple’s Face ID, as it can be easily fooled by a mere photograph. Although Samsung has made strides in improving the biometric security of its devices, there is still work to be done to match the level of sophistication offered by competitors.

In terms of audio performance, the S10+ comes equipped with stereo speakers featuring AKG tuning. However, despite this premium feature, the audio quality fails to impress, with a noticeable lack of bass and a somewhat tinny sound compared to the richer, fuller audio produced by the iPhone 10 and 10S family. Given the premium price tag of the S10+, users may expect a more immersive audio experience that rivals top-tier competitors.

Moving on to the digital assistant, Samsung’s Bixby has often been subject to ridicule and criticism. However, users have the option to remap the dedicated Bixby button to perform alternative functions, such as activating the Google launcher. While Bixby may not be everyone’s preferred assistant, Samsung’s Bixby routines feature offers a practical and intuitive solution for automating tasks based on location and time, reminiscent of Motorola’s contextual awareness features.

The S10+ also boasts compatibility with Samsung’s VR goggles, leveraging its high-resolution display to deliver an immersive virtual reality experience. Additionally, the device features an always-on display with customizable options, providing users with convenient access to essential information at a glance. Moreover, the inclusion of an IP68 water resistance rating ensures durability and peace of mind for users in various environments.

For users in the United States and Canada, the S10+ offers the added convenience of an FM radio feature, allowing users to access local radio stations with the use of compatible headphones. This feature, while not prominently advertised, adds value to the device for users who enjoy listening to radio broadcasts on the go.

Battery life is another area where the S10+ excels, thanks to its sizable 4100mAh battery capacity. With impressive screen-on times exceeding six hours, users can enjoy extended usage without the need for frequent recharging. However, concerns about battery degradation over time remain, as Samsung’s devices have historically exhibited decreased battery performance after prolonged use.

In comparison to its predecessor, the Galaxy Note 9, the S10+ offers incremental improvements in terms of display size and overall performance. While the S10+ shares similarities with the Note 9, such as a large Super AMOLED display and the inclusion of the S Pen, the decision to upgrade ultimately depends on individual preferences and priorities. For users seeking a larger display and the convenience of the S Pen, the Note 9 may still suffice, albeit with fewer advanced features compared to the S10+.

Regarding alternatives, the OnePlus 6T presents a compelling option for users seeking a high-performance device at a more affordable price point. Although the OnePlus 6T lacks certain features found in the S10+, such as a high-resolution display and IP68 water resistance, it offers excellent value for budget-conscious consumers. Similarly, the Huawei Mate 20 Pro offers comparable features to the S10+ at a similar price point, including superior camera capabilities. However, concerns about the device’s software and user interface may deter some users from opting for the Mate 20 Pro.

The Samsung Galaxy S10+ and its variants offer a range of features and capabilities that cater to diverse user preferences. While certain aspects, such as the placement of the power button and the responsiveness of the fingerprint scanner, leave room for improvement, the S10+ delivers a premium smartphone experience overall. With its robust performance, versatile camera system, and sleek design, the S10+ remains a top contender in the competitive smartphone market. Despite its premium price tag, the S10+ offers excellent value for users who prioritize cutting-edge technology and innovative features.

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Samsung Galaxy S10+
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