SAMSUNG Galaxy Fold Review

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In this article, I give you my Samsung Galaxy Fold review with specs included. This is the shipping production version of the first folding phone on the market. I know it’s delicate, I know it’s expensive and this is gonna be a different kind of review.

Numerous reviews have emerged discussing the Samsung Galaxy Fold, each offering a different perspective on the device. Some reviewers adopt a cautious tone, expressing concerns about the durability of the device and the significant investment required to purchase it. Conversely, there are enthusiastic supporters who hail the Galaxy Fold as a groundbreaking innovation, extolling its virtues as the ultimate smartphone experience. The discourse surrounding the Galaxy Fold encompasses a spectrum of opinions, with elements of both skepticism and admiration.

Samsung Galaxy Fold Back
Samsung Galaxy Fold Back

Before delving into the apprehensions regarding its durability and the considerable price tag, it is essential to acknowledge the revolutionary nature of the Galaxy Fold. Despite skepticism from some quarters about the viability of folding phones, it is evident that they represent a significant evolution in smartphone design.

While folding phones may not dominate the market in the immediate future, they are poised to become a staple feature of high-end smartphones in the years to come. The concept of a device that seamlessly transitions from a pocketable form factor to a tablet-sized screen is undeniably captivating, evoking a sense of excitement akin to the launch of the first iPhone.

Samsung Galaxy Fold Front and Back
Samsung Galaxy Fold Front and Back

The Samsung Galaxy Fold offers a form factor that transcends conventional candy bar designs, providing users with a novel and exhilarating experience. Its compact dimensions when folded belie the expansive display that awaits when unfolded, boasting dimensions comparable to that of an iPad Mini 5. This transformative capability sets the Galaxy Fold apart from its contemporaries, marking a departure from the iterative advancements typically observed in smartphone development. Samsung’s bold foray into foldable technology is deserving of commendation, representing a significant milestone in the evolution of mobile devices.

Moreover, Samsung’s innovation is set to be rivaled by the Huawei Mate X, a foldable device that commands an even higher price point. Priced at $2,500, the Mate X is positioned as a premium offering, albeit one that is not slated for release in the United States. Despite its exorbitant cost, the Mate X promises an even more striking design, with its folding display situated on the exterior. While this configuration offers the advantage of a larger outer display, concerns about durability inevitably arise, given the inherent vulnerability of an exposed folding screen.

The emergence of foldable smartphones heralds a new era in mobile technology, offering users a tantalizing blend of portability and versatility. With the impending revival of iconic designs such as the Motorola Razr, which is poised to adopt a vertical folding mechanism reminiscent of flip phones, the potential for innovation in the foldable smartphone space is boundless. This evolution promises to redefine the way users interact with their devices, bridging the divide between smartphones and tablets while minimizing the bulk associated with traditional tablet devices.

However, alongside the excitement surrounding foldable smartphones, there exist inherent drawbacks and challenges that must be addressed. Samsung has taken steps to mitigate some of these concerns, such as fortifying the hinge end caps to prevent debris and dust ingress. Nevertheless, the Galaxy Fold falls short of attaining waterproof or dustproof certification, leaving it vulnerable to environmental hazards. Additionally, the incorporation of metal plates behind the display lends a more rigid feel to the device, alleviating concerns about the inherent softness of plastic displays.

Furthermore, Samsung’s implementation of a top protective layer composed of a self-healing polymer serves to enhance the device’s durability, preventing inadvertent peeling of the protective film. However, despite these efforts, the tactile experience of interacting with the display remains reminiscent of plastic, with users still encountering a discernible crease along the center of the screen. While advancements in manufacturing techniques may lead to improvements in durability over time, the presence of the crease is likely to persist as a consequence of the bending process required to facilitate seamless folding.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold represents a paradigm shift in smartphone design, offering users a glimpse into the future of mobile technology. Despite concerns surrounding its durability and premium price tag, the Galaxy Fold embodies innovation and ambition on a scale rarely seen in the smartphone industry. As manufacturers continue to refine and iterate upon foldable smartphone designs, the potential for transformative advancements in mobile technology is vast. While challenges remain, the allure of foldable smartphones lies in their ability to redefine user experiences and unlock new possibilities in mobile computing.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold introduces a novel display technology that aims to transcend conventional smartphone design paradigms. With its unique folding mechanism, the Galaxy Fold presents users with a revolutionary form factor that seamlessly transitions between a compact smartphone and a spacious tablet.

However, this innovative design is not without its drawbacks, particularly concerning durability and the substantial price tag associated with the device. As reviewers grapple with these concerns, it becomes apparent that the Galaxy Fold represents both a remarkable technological achievement and a potential leap forward in mobile computing.

The primary feature that distinguishes the Galaxy Fold from traditional smartphones is its foldable display. This innovative display technology allows the device to fold inward, creating a more compact form factor when not in use. Despite initial apprehensions about the durability of a folding screen, the Galaxy Fold’s display proves to be surprisingly resilient.

While the crease along the fold is perceptible when viewed from certain angles, it is virtually imperceptible when the device is held straight on. This subtle crease does not detract significantly from the user experience and serves as a testament to the engineering prowess behind the Galaxy Fold.

Moreover, the Galaxy Fold’s expansive unfolded display offers users a tablet-like experience in a smartphone form factor. With its aspect ratio slightly wider than that of an iPad Mini, the Galaxy Fold provides ample screen real estate for multimedia consumption and productivity tasks.

Whether watching high-resolution videos or browsing content-rich websites, users benefit from the immersive viewing experience afforded by the Galaxy Fold’s large display. Additionally, the device’s compatibility with Android 10 and Samsung’s proprietary APIs ensures seamless integration with a wide range of apps and content, further enhancing its versatility and usability.

Despite its impressive display technology and innovative design, the Galaxy Fold is not without its limitations. Chief among these concerns is the device’s durability, particularly in light of its exorbitant price tag. While reviewers have put the Galaxy Fold through rigorous testing to assess its resilience, questions remain about its long-term durability and resistance to damage.

The soft plastic material used in the display is susceptible to scratches and dents, necessitating careful handling to avoid inadvertent damage. However, Samsung’s implementation of a self-healing polymer coating helps mitigate these concerns to some extent, offering reassurance to prospective buyers.

Furthermore, the Galaxy Fold’s hefty price tag may deter all but the most ardent enthusiasts and early adopters. Priced at $1,980, the Galaxy Fold commands a premium that places it firmly in the realm of luxury devices. While its cutting-edge technology and innovative design justify this high cost to some extent, the Galaxy Fold’s limited appeal and niche market may hinder widespread adoption. Additionally, concerns about the device’s long-term durability may dissuade potential buyers from investing in such an expensive and unproven product.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold represents a bold leap forward in smartphone design and display technology. Its innovative folding mechanism and expansive display offer users a glimpse into the future of mobile computing, promising a more immersive and versatile user experience.

However, concerns about durability and the prohibitively high price tag may temper enthusiasm for the Galaxy Fold, limiting its appeal to a niche audience of early adopters and tech enthusiasts. As Samsung continues to refine and improve upon the Galaxy Fold’s design, it is hoped that future iterations of the device will address these concerns and make foldable smartphones a more viable option for mainstream consumers.

For individuals who tend to keep their smartphones primarily indoors and handle them with care, the Samsung Galaxy Fold presents an intriguing option. This caveat is especially pertinent for those who avoid environments with excessive dust, dirt, or moisture, such as beaches.

However, with diligent and cautious usage, the Galaxy Fold may prove to be a reliable companion for everyday tasks. As the first of its kind, the Galaxy Fold represents a groundbreaking entry into the realm of foldable smartphones, marking the inception of a new era in mobile technology. While it is undeniably a first-generation device, it serves as a testament to Samsung’s commitment to innovation and willingness to push the boundaries of conventional smartphone design.

The target audience for the Galaxy Fold encompasses early adopters and tech enthusiasts who are eager to explore the possibilities offered by cutting-edge technology. These individuals are willing to invest in premium products that may pave the way for future advancements in the industry.

Despite its hefty price tag, which may deter some consumers, the Galaxy Fold caters to those who are financially capable of indulging in the latest technological innovations. However, it is essential to consider the associated risks and limitations, particularly regarding durability and long-term viability.

In recognition of the inherent risks associated with a foldable display, Samsung offers a screen replacement service for Galaxy Fold owners. Within the first year of ownership, users are entitled to one discounted screen replacement at the cost of $149.

This service provides a degree of reassurance for consumers concerned about potential damage to the device’s display. However, it is crucial to note that this offer applies strictly to instances of physical damage and does not cover defects or malfunctions. After the initial one-year period, the cost of screen replacement increases to $599, which may deter some users from seeking repairs in the event of damage.

Despite the assurances provided by Samsung regarding screen replacement, concerns persist regarding the overall durability of the Galaxy Fold. As a first-generation device, it is subject to scrutiny and skepticism from both reviewers and consumers alike. While Samsung has implemented measures to mitigate potential damage, such as sealing the hinge end caps and reinforcing the display with metal plates, questions remain regarding its resilience in real-world scenarios. Given the significant investment required to purchase the Galaxy Fold, consumers rightly expect a level of durability and reliability commensurate with its price tag.

In terms of hardware specifications, the Galaxy Fold boasts impressive performance capabilities befitting its premium status. Equipped with a Snapdragon 855 processor and 12GB of RAM, the device offers seamless multitasking and fluid navigation.

Furthermore, the inclusion of 512GB of internal storage ensures ample space for storing apps, media, and other digital content. However, the absence of a microSD card slot may be a point of contention for users accustomed to expandable storage options. Additionally, the omission of a headphone jack necessitates the use of USB-C headphones or wireless earbuds, such as the Galaxy Buds included with the device.

From a design perspective, the Galaxy Fold incorporates a total of six cameras, offering versatility and flexibility for capturing photos and videos. The front cover features a set of cameras suitable for standard usage in a candy bar phone configuration.

Additionally, the inner cameras enable users to take high-quality selfies with depth effects and wide-angle capabilities. The rear camera setup mirrors that of Samsung’s flagship Galaxy S10 and Note 10 devices, providing a comprehensive array of imaging options. With support for 4K video recording and a range of advanced camera features, the Galaxy Fold delivers a compelling photography experience.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold represents a bold step forward in smartphone innovation, showcasing the potential of foldable display technology. While it may not be without its limitations and risks, particularly concerning durability and cost, the Galaxy Fold offers a glimpse into the future of mobile computing.

As consumers weigh the benefits and drawbacks of adopting this groundbreaking device, it is clear that the Galaxy Fold holds significant promise for those willing to embrace the next evolution in smartphone design. With continued refinement and advancements in foldable display technology, the Galaxy Fold may ultimately herald a new era of mobile devices that blur the line between smartphones and tablets.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold operates on the Android 9 Pie operating system, coupled with Samsung’s proprietary 1 UI 1.5 interface. As for when it will receive the Android 10 update, the timeline remains uncertain, as is often the case with Samsung’s software updates. Nevertheless, the device offers swift and responsive performance, a testament to its powerful hardware capabilities.

Multitasking is a breeze on the Galaxy Fold, thanks to its intuitive split-screen functionality, allowing users to run up to three apps simultaneously. This feature proves particularly useful for individuals on the go, such as business travelers attending events or meetings. For instance, one can have navigation open on the larger inner screen while browsing restaurant recommendations on Yelp and streaming music via Spotify simultaneously.

Furthermore, users have the flexibility to resize windows and utilize floating windows for enhanced productivity. The device seamlessly transitions between the outer and inner screens, ensuring continuity of tasks regardless of the screen configuration. However, it’s worth noting that reverse continuity, where apps transition from the inner to the outer screen upon folding, requires manual configuration in the settings menu.

The external screen, while compact at 4.6 inches, offers decent sharpness with its 399 PPI OLED display. Despite its small size, it serves its purpose well for basic tasks such as answering calls, checking notifications, and browsing emails. However, given the device’s form factor, most users will likely prefer utilizing the larger inner screen for more immersive experiences.

On the other hand, the internal display impresses with its expansive 7.3-inch OLED panel, boasting a resolution of 2152 x 1536 pixels and a pixel density of 362 PPI. This larger canvas provides ample space for enhanced productivity, multimedia consumption, and creative endeavors. With its widescreen aspect ratio of 21:9, the internal screen offers a cinematic viewing experience ideal for watching movies or playing games.

In terms of design, opinions may vary, with some users finding the Galaxy Fold’s aesthetics less appealing compared to other foldable devices like the Huawei Mate X. Available in black or silver, the device features a sleek and polished finish characteristic of Samsung’s high-end smartphones. While its appearance may not be universally praised, its build quality exudes a sense of durability and refinement.

Biometric authentication options include a side-mounted fingerprint scanner and facial recognition technology. While the facial recognition feature offers convenience and speed, it may not be as secure as fingerprint authentication, especially for sensitive tasks such as mobile payments. As such, users may prefer utilizing the fingerprint scanner for added security when accessing secure applications or services.

In terms of pocket safety, the Galaxy Fold demonstrates resilience against lint accumulation, with minimal issues reported even when carried in lint-prone pockets. However, users are advised to avoid storing sharp objects such as keys or pens in the same pocket to prevent potential damage to the device.

Battery life is another area where the Galaxy Fold shines, thanks to its dual battery configuration totaling 4380 milliamp-hours. Users can expect impressive screen-on times of up to seven hours of active usage, a testament to the device’s efficiency and stamina. This robust battery performance ensures that users can stay connected and productive throughout the day without constantly worrying about recharging.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold represents a groundbreaking leap forward in smartphone technology, offering unparalleled versatility and innovation. While it may not be without its drawbacks, such as concerns regarding durability and the hefty price tag, it appeals to tech enthusiasts and early adopters seeking to experience the future of mobile computing firsthand. For those willing to embrace the potential risks and rewards, the Galaxy Fold offers a glimpse into a new era of foldable devices that blur the lines between smartphones and tablets.

This revisited evaluation pertains to the Samsung Galaxy Fold, prompted by the interest expressed by several individuals subsequent to my initial assessment following the Moto Razr review, particularly noting the significant difference in the folding phone landscape over time. This analysis delves into the device’s performance and durability after a span of approximately four months, a duration that may yield valuable insights into its long-term viability and user experience.

From the outset, it’s imperative to acknowledge the inherent intricacies associated with folding phones, primarily attributable to their utilization of plastic, flexible OLED displays for the folding component. This characteristic renders them inherently susceptible to potential durability concerns, an aspect that warrants meticulous scrutiny in protracted usage scenarios.

Upon reflecting on my prior appraisal, it’s discernible that the device’s resilience and functionality over an extended period are paramount considerations. Initially procuring the Samsung Galaxy Fold in a black variant, the device’s origination was from AT&T, subsequently transitioning to an unlocked variant for its inherent advantages. The decision to retain the unlocked iteration was predicated on its inherent superiority, underscoring the inherent preference for unlocked devices.

Engaging in a comprehensive assessment of the device’s condition subsequent to four months of continuous usage, it’s discernible that the device has withstood the test of time admirably. Despite the precarious nature of plastic OLED displays, the Galaxy Fold has remained remarkably unscathed, evincing a conspicuous absence of scratches or abrasions.

However, a discernible accumulation of lint, attributed to prolonged exposure within pockets and bags, was noted upon closer inspection under studio lighting conditions. Although the ingress of lint and debris is an inevitable consequence of portable usage scenarios, the device’s structural integrity remains uncompromised.

The hinge mechanism, pivotal to the functionality and durability of folding phones, has exhibited commendable performance, characterized by seamless operation devoid of any discernible issues. While no instances of inadvertent drops from considerable heights have occurred, the device’s handling has been characterized by a judicious approach to mitigate potential risks.

Although the device was utilized without any external casing for a period, the subsequent acquisition of a Samsung-branded leather case served to augment protection, particularly safeguarding the rear camera module and mitigating discomfort arising from the device’s inherently cold glass surface during colder weather conditions.

Despite its prolonged exposure to rigorous usage scenarios as a primary work device, the Galaxy Fold has continued to deliver consistent performance and reliability. Unlike devices relegated to occasional demonstrations or sporadic usage, this device has been subjected to sustained and rigorous usage patterns, thereby providing valuable insights into its real-world performance and durability. The hinge mechanism, often subject to scrutiny due to its pivotal role in facilitating the folding mechanism, has retained its structural integrity, with no discernible signs of wear or deterioration.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold has emerged as a commendable testament to the viability of folding phone technology, boasting a potent combination of performance, functionality, and durability. Despite its utilization of plastic OLED displays, a potential cause for concern among prospective users, the device has acquitted itself admirably, withstanding the rigors of prolonged usage without succumbing to notable issues or deterioration. As a daily driver device, the Galaxy Fold has proven its mettle, underscoring its suitability for discerning users seeking a blend of innovation and reliability in their mobile devices.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold commands attention with its distinctive design and innovative folding mechanism, but it’s not without its considerations. One notable aspect is the amount of force required to close the device, which can elicit a degree of apprehension. Initially, I employed my thumbs on the display to execute the closing action, but later transitioned to pressing on the bezels as a potentially safer alternative. Fortunately, both methods of closure yield satisfactory results, contributing to the overall durability of the device.

In terms of build quality, the Galaxy Fold exudes a robustness akin to that of a tank. This reassurance is particularly salient when juxtaposed with devices like the Moto Razr, which feature exposed floating displays susceptible to damage even from light touch. The Galaxy Fold’s construction, characterized by a combination of glass and metal components, imparts a sense of sturdiness capable of withstanding minor drops and impacts. Additionally, the presence of bezels surrounding the entire display serves as a protective barrier, further bolstering the device’s resilience.

Despite its undeniable delicacy owing to its flexible OLED display, the Galaxy Fold remains unparalleled in its category. The user experience continues to be gratifying, underscoring the device’s enduring appeal. Furthermore, as an ardent advocate for the future of folding phones, I remain optimistic about the trajectory of this burgeoning technology.

One notable feature deserving of praise is the external display, albeit its compact size of 4.6 inches. While some may find this dimension inadequate, I’ve come to appreciate its convenience, particularly in terms of ergonomics and ease of handling. The narrow form factor of the device enhances its portability and usability, a departure from the bulkiness commonly associated with conventional smartphones.

Moreover, the presence of a full Android user interface on the external display obviates the need for frequent unfolding, a factor that contributes to a more seamless user experience. This circumvents the inconvenience of constant folding and unfolding, thereby preserving the longevity of the device. Samsung’s implementation of software features, including continuity between the external and internal displays, reflects a thoughtful approach to user interaction and interface design.

While an expansion of the external display size would undoubtedly enhance usability, it’s essential to prioritize durability and reliability in future iterations. The prospect of flexible glass displays, slated for potential release by Corning towards the end of 2020, holds promise in addressing concerns related to the tactile sensation and durability of folding phones. Until then, the Galaxy Fold’s resilience and performance make it a viable option for prospective buyers, even in the secondary market.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold embodies the epitome of innovation in the realm of mobile technology. Its pioneering design, coupled with robust build quality and intuitive software features, reaffirms its status as a frontrunner in the folding phone landscape.

While challenges persist, particularly concerning durability and form factor, the Galaxy Fold remains a beacon of progress and a testament to Samsung’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of possibility. For those contemplating a foray into the realm of folding phones, the Galaxy Fold stands as a compelling choice, offering a glimpse into the future of mobile communication.

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Samsung Galaxy Fold
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  • 96%
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