APPLE iPhone 11 Pro Max Review

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In this article, I give you my Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max review with specs included. I have two Pro Max models and I did the iPhone 11 review separately because that’s significantly different. The iPhone 11 Pro, not Max, is really the same phone just smaller screen size. You know the deal there, no different features to talk about.

So, there are a lot of reviews out there, obviously, and, yes, from the back you certainly won’t mistake these for the iPhone X or XS. This is a new generation here but mostly because of, number one, the matte glass, which I particularly like.

I know some of you have different feelings about that, but it doesn’t show fingerprints and it looks really nice. Okay, it’s gonna be under a case anyway, let’s face it, but still.

Also, I find it a bit less slippery, some people who have more oily sweaty hands might actually get the slippery glass a little more sticky than the matte glass but I have pretty dry hands.

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max Colors
Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max Colors

Upon laying eyes on the latest iteration of the Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max, one cannot help but be immediately struck by the conspicuous cluster of camera lenses adorning its rear. It’s a much-discussed feature, and, good grief, it’s a sight to behold. One might liken it to peering down the barrel of a futuristic firearm straight out of Borderlands 3.

Now, Apple isn’t typically one to falter in matters of aesthetics; they’re known for crafting sleek and visually appealing products. So, what’s the deal with this camera setup? Well, it seems Apple’s intention here is to proudly showcase the prowess of the iPhone’s cameras. By drawing attention to this design element, they’re making a statement – asserting that they’re reclaiming their position at the forefront of smartphone photography innovation. However, let’s be honest, it’s still somewhat unsightly.

Another noteworthy aspect is the introduction of a new color variant this year – green, or as Apple calls it, “midnight green.” Now, opinions on this hue may vary; some may find it appealing and refreshing, offering a departure from the usual color options. Personally, though, it reminds me more of a somber shade of khaki. Regardless, I’ll likely be slapping a case on it anyway, so the camera aesthetics won’t bother me much.

Speaking of the cameras, let’s delve into one of the most significant upgrades of the iPhone 11 Pro Max – its camera system. The improvements in this department are among my favorite features of this device. However, before we dive into that, let’s acknowledge the other notable specs: the Apple A13 Bionic chip. You might not have realized your iPhone XS, equipped with the A12 chip, was feeling sluggish, but trust me, you’ll notice the difference.

While some Android users may lament the inevitable slowdown of their devices over time, I’ve observed similar sluggishness in my iPhones. However, with the iPhone 11 Pro Max, those days seem to be behind us. The enhanced processing power not only results in quicker load times but also brings gigabit 4G LTE capabilities to the table. Sure, 5G may be the talk of the town, but with its limited coverage and higher costs, it’s not a game-changer just yet.

Furthermore, the inclusion of faster Wi-Fi 6 ensures that any network-related tasks, whether over Wi-Fi or LTE, feel noticeably speedier. Coupled with the device’s four gigs of RAM, multitasking becomes a breeze. The A13 chip’s exceptional performance isn’t solely for running demanding games or applications; it also plays a crucial role in computational photography – a topic we’ll explore further shortly.

Now, onto a feature that’s bound to elicit a collective sigh of relief from smartphone users everywhere – improved battery life. Apple has opted for larger batteries in the iPhone 11 Pro Max, albeit at the expense of the 3D Touch engine, which has been replaced by haptic feedback. But let’s face it – most users would gladly trade 3D Touch for extended battery life any day. The slightly thicker and heavier profile of the iPhone 11 Pro Max, compared to its predecessors, is a small price to pay for the significant boost in battery longevity.

Apple claims an additional four hours of screen-on time with the iPhone 11 Pro and five hours with the 11 Pro Max. In my experience, the initial indexing process, especially for those with extensive iCloud photo libraries, may impact battery life during the first few days. However, once things settle down, the improvement in battery life is undeniably impressive. Gone are the days of lugging around unsightly battery packs or constantly searching for power outlets.

Unless you’re embarking on an extended expedition into the wilderness, where access to electricity is scarce, the iPhone 11 Pro Max’s battery life should suffice for your daily needs.

With the Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max, one notable aspect that immediately caught my attention is its remarkable battery life. Even under moderate to slightly heavy usage, excluding gaming, the phone manages to last for two days before requiring a recharge. Moreover, it supports fast charging, similar to its predecessor. However, this time around, Apple includes an 18-watt fast charger in the box at no additional cost. This is a welcomed addition, especially considering that users of the regular iPhone 11 would have to shell out extra cash for the same accessory.

Apple’s version of fast charging, while not as rapid as some of its competitors like the Samsung Galaxy Note series, still gets the job done efficiently. It’s worth noting that the charging speed may be somewhat limited by the internal space available for the battery to expand while charging. This might also explain why Apple opted against incorporating reverse wireless charging functionality, which would have allowed users to charge accessories like the second-generation AirPods or Apple Watch using the iPhone itself.

Fast charging with the included 18-watt charger promises up to a 50% charge in just half an hour, although in my experience, it typically reaches around 40% within the same timeframe. While not the fastest charging solution on the market, it’s certainly an improvement. Additionally, beyond the 60% mark, charging speeds taper off to help prolong the battery’s lifespan over the years.

Another aspect worth mentioning is the continued use of the Lightning connector instead of transitioning to USB-C. While this decision isn’t a deal-breaker, it does mean carrying around an additional type of cable, especially for users who already own multiple USB-C-based products like laptops.

Face ID, Apple’s facial recognition technology, remains as miraculous as ever, offering quick and secure authentication. While some users may prefer an in-display fingerprint scanner, Apple has chosen to stick with Face ID for its biometric security, prioritizing reliability and accuracy.

The addition of ultra-wideband technology is another noteworthy feature. This chip enhances spatial awareness, particularly useful for functions like AirDrop, allowing for more precise device location detection. It opens up possibilities for innovative applications beyond traditional wireless communication.

As for the display, Apple introduced the XDR OLED display, boasting increased brightness compared to its predecessor. While the resolution and size remain unchanged, the display appears sharper, especially noticeable with its enhanced brightness levels. The iPhone 11 Pro Max achieves up to 800 nits of brightness for standard use and an impressive 1200 nits for HDR content, ensuring an exceptional viewing experience under various lighting conditions.

In terms of color accuracy, both Apple and Samsung continue to refine their displays, with each iteration inching closer to perfection. While the Note 10 Plus may have a slight edge in color representation accuracy, the difference is minimal and likely imperceptible to the average user.

The speakers on the iPhone 11 Pro Max deliver an outstanding audio experience, producing a stereo sound that rivals that of laptops. While Apple claims improvements over the previous generation, the difference may not be discernible to the average user, aside from a slight increase in volume.

The Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max presents several noteworthy improvements over its predecessor, although the changes may not be immediately apparent as they are not night and day. Nevertheless, the enhancements, particularly in areas such as battery life, speaker quality, and camera capabilities, contribute to a more refined user experience.

Starting with the speakers, Apple continues to excel in delivering exceptional audio quality through its devices. Compared to its competitors, such as the Samsung Galaxy Note series, the iPhone 11 Pro Max surpasses in this aspect, offering richer, louder sound with a fuller range. This is particularly noticeable when using the device without headphones, although users who prefer headphones will need to rely on Lightning adapter-based options or wireless alternatives like AirPods.

Moving on to the standout feature of the iPhone 11 Pro Max – its camera system. With three lenses, including a wide-angle, normal, and telephoto lens, users now have a greater range of creative possibilities when capturing photos and videos. The addition of the wide-angle lens is particularly exciting for landscape shots and group photos, providing a unique perspective that was previously unavailable on iPhones. Additionally, the depth-sensing camera enhances portrait effects, allowing for more accurate bokeh effects and improved subject isolation.

The user interface of the camera app has also received a refresh, offering a framed version of the photo being captured, providing users with a visual indicator of the composition before taking the shot. While this feature may be appreciated by casual photographers, more experienced users may find it distracting and prefer the option to disable it.

In terms of image quality, the iPhone 11 Pro Max delivers impressive results, with vibrant colors, sharp details, and excellent color accuracy. While the HDR mode may occasionally produce slightly exaggerated colors, overall, the images produced by the device are of high quality and rival those captured by some of the leading Android smartphones on the market.

Video recording capabilities have also been enhanced, with the ability to shoot in up to 4K resolution at 60 frames per second. Optical image stabilization is available for both the telephoto and normal lenses, while the wide-angle lens benefits from advanced software-based stabilization, resulting in smooth, professional-looking footage even in challenging shooting conditions.

In addition to these improvements, the iPhone 11 Pro Max features a new, more durable matte glass design, offering increased protection against drops and scratches. While the device may not be indestructible, it is certainly more resilient than its predecessors.

The iPhone 11 Pro Max represents a significant step forward in terms of performance, camera capabilities, and durability. While the changes may not be revolutionary, they collectively contribute to a more refined and enjoyable user experience, making it a worthy upgrade for users seeking the latest in smartphone technology.

In summary, the improvements made to the cameras on the iPhone 11 Pro Max are substantial, particularly with the introduction of the new Night Vision mode. This mode effectively competes with Google’s Pixel Night Sight feature, producing impressive results even in low-light conditions.

Comparative tests with other smartphones, such as the Samsung Galaxy Note series and previous iPhone models, demonstrate the iPhone 11 Pro Max’s capability to capture clear and detailed images in dark environments. While the differences may not be dramatic compared to the competition, the iPhone 11 Pro Max holds its own, showcasing its ability to deliver exceptional performance in challenging lighting situations.

The addition of a wider selfie camera view and the slow-motion selfie feature, known as “slow fee,” offers users more versatility in capturing self-portraits. While the practicality of the slow-motion selfie feature may be questionable, it adds an element of fun and creativity to the iPhone’s camera capabilities. Furthermore, the availability of a smaller-sized flagship model, the iPhone 11 Pro, distinguishes Apple’s offerings from its competitors in the Android market, where flagship smartphones tend to feature larger screens. For users who prefer a compact device without sacrificing high-end features, the iPhone 11 Pro provides an appealing option.

Overall, the iPhone 11 Pro Max and its counterpart, the iPhone 11 Pro, offer a compelling array of features that make them worthy contenders in the smartphone market. The standout features include impressive camera performance, extended battery life, and competitive display quality.

While the absence of a fast refresh display option may disappoint some users, the overall package delivered by the iPhone 11 Pro Max is sure to satisfy those seeking a reliable and feature-rich smartphone experience. For existing iPhone XS or XS Max users, the decision to upgrade may depend on factors such as photography needs or battery life requirements.

However, for users coming from older iPhone models, such as the iPhone 7, the iPhone 11 Pro Max represents a significant upgrade, offering notable improvements in camera technology, facial recognition capabilities, and display design. In conclusion, the iPhone 11 Pro Max and iPhone 11 Pro stand out as impressive offerings from Apple, delivering a combination of performance, features, and design that makes them stand out in the competitive smartphone landscape.

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Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max
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